Thursday, July 19, 2012

Brazil and the Syria/Lebanon Connection

Here are some of my articles and postings at Brazzil magazine, and postings at the Elite Trader Economics Forum that connect the dots regarding Brazil and Syria/Lebanon Connection – and also about Libya, Iraq, China, Russia, Colombia, and the United States:

It is time for Brazil to take a side on this new crisis regarding Syria.

Brazil should back up Russia and China in an effort to stop the UN from using its rogue army (NATO) from destroying the entire infrastructure of Syria as they have done in Libya.

Brazil has a dog in this fight, since over 10 million people who live in Brazil are descendents from Syrian/Lebanese people.

There's a strong human connection between Brazil and Syria/Lebanon.

By the way, my screen name at the Elite Trader Economics Forum is: SouthAmerica

When a country gets out of line...

June 9, 2011

SouthAmerica: Reply to Toc

Toc, Gaddafi was doing a lot of good things for Libya and the Libyan people, but he was not a puppet of the western powers and he was independent from their circle of influence.

Libya had its finances under control, and they did not need the IMF and World Bank, and Gaddafi was taking care of the Libyan people.

Gaddafi became a major threat to the United States because he wanted to establish a new currency based on gold for the oil producing countries of the Middle East.

Gaddafi is doing everything he can to protect his country and the Libyan people from NATO and the USA.

The other Arab states did not come to help Gaddafi and the Libyan people, but they will be sorry for their silence on this matter, because what is happening to Libya today is going to happen in country after country in the oil producing states of the Middle East until they have pillaged all the assets of these Arab states.

Every country will have its turn regarding being pillaged including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, and so on....before these fools realize all their assets will be frozen and pillaged to the last cent.

And all this pillage it will be done in the name of democracy and in helping these poor people to put in power some new puppet of the western powers.


Brazzil magazine - Saturday, 10 September 2011

Regarding NATO the criminal organization
written by Ricardo C. Amaral, September 13, 2011

Ricardo: The above article said: “It seems that there are people who think that democracy is an important thing in Egypt, Libya and Syria, but not in Brazil.”

All these revolutions that are exploding all over the place are not about democracy the enclosed video by Gerald Celente explain in detail what is really going on.

Gerald Celente On The Current Global Unrest – August 10, 2011


There is an exception to the above list of countries: “Libya”

Here is the real truth about Libya and Gaddafi:

The Unfair Demonization of Gaddafi by the Western Power - June 25, 2011

The government of Libya under Gaddafi was providing the highest standard of living in Africa for the Libyan population, including free healthcare and education – the Libyan government paid for all healthcare expenses including medicines and if a Libyan need an operation that was not available in Libya – the Libyan government would send that person to get the best healthcare in the world in any country at the Libyan government expenses.

The Libyan government also paid for the education of the Libyan people and if a Libyan wanted to continue its advanced degrees they could go to any university in the world with all expenses paid by the Libyan government.

Every Libyan received in the mail a check for US$ 1,000 every month for them to do anything they wanted with that money.

Every Libyan had the right to receive from the Libyan government a brand new apartment at no charge.

If a Libyan wanted to go into farming the Libyan government would provide the land and everything else that person needed to start farming.

During the 42 years that Gaddafi were in power in Libya the literacy rate went from only 20 percent to today about 90 percent.

According to NATO this is wrong you are not supposed to run a country like this. You are not supposed to spoil the population and share the wealth, give education for the people, healthcare, and so on....

NATO the criminal organization bombed a hell of Libya and made sure that they destroyed all its infrastructure and turned Libya from a 21st century country and they are turning the clock back in Libya to a country from the dark ages.

Now NATO the criminal organization is installing a puppet government with a bunch of nobody's who are going to help NATO pillage all the assets of Libya, not only its oil resources but also the Sovereignty Fund that Gaddafi built during all these years that are worth almost $ 200 billion dollars.

Only a criminal organization such as NATO would have bombed the water resources of people who live on a desert, as they did in Libya.


NATO will pillage every Libyan asset in sight, and the Libyan people are going to live like most of the people who live in the other African countries without an education, healthcare, and support from the government, no job creation.

If the Libyan people are lucky – NATO will provide them with a camel and a little water and NATO will tell them see what you can do with that and go back to your Bedouin ways.

Today it is Libya that is being destroyed and pillaged by NATO, tomorrow it will be Brazil and South America.


When a country gets out of line...

June 9, 2011

SouthAmerica: Here is the real reason the United States has attacked Libya to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi:
Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'? - May 5, 2011


When a country gets out of line...

June 9, 2011

SouthAmerica: When a country gets out of line, they destroy its economy and get rid off its leader - for example:

Gaddafi had been trying for many years to change the currency that oil from the Middle East and Africa are traded in world markets from US dollar to a new currency Gold Dinars.



Here is what happened to Gaddafi as a United States pay back, because he wanted to switch the payment system for Libyan oil from the US dollar to Gold Dinars.

October 23, 2012

Full video of Gaddafi being tortured and killed-Gaddafi's last words and moments

WARNING-This video contains extremely violent and disturbing content. This is the video of how Gaddafi was humiliated and attacked by rebel fighters when he was tremendously wounded and about to die.This video also includes his last words.


Here is another example of what happens to you (they also destroy the infrastructure of your country like they did in Iraq, and Libya) if you try to challenge the status of the US dollar as the main world trade and world reserve currency:

In November 2000, Iraq under Saddam Hussein orders switched the currency that they wanted to receive in payments of its oil – they switched from the US dollar to euros.

Time magazine - Monday, November 13, 2000

“Foreign Exchange: Saddam Turns His Back on Greenbacks”
By: William Dowell
Europe's dream of promoting the euro as a competitor to the U.S. dollar may get a boost from SADDAM HUSSEIN. Iraq says that from now on, it wants payments for its oil in euros

...So why is Saddam doing it? Diplomatic sources say switching to the euro will favor European suppliers over U.S. ones in competing for Iraqi contracts, and the p.r. boost that Baghdad would probably get in Europe would be another plus.


Here is what happened to Saddam Hussein as a United States pay back because he switched the payment system for Iraqi oil from the US dollar to euros

Saddam Hussein was executed on December 30, 2006

Real Footage of Saddam Hussein's Execution [WARNING - Graphic Content]

This is the unedited, uncut and 100% uncensored footage of Saddam Hussein being hung.


When a country gets out of line...

June 9, 2011

SouthAmerica: Here is US foreign policy in a nutshell:

Noam Chomsky on American Foreign Policy and US Politics – October 26, 2010

Time: 24 min.

The Young Turks interviews Noam Chomsky.


When a country gets out of line...
June 9, 2011

SouthAmerica: And Americans wonder why the United States is losing all its credibility around the world.

Today doing business with US financial companies it is the same as asking to be screwed and ripped off.

Cash In On Chaos: Goldman Sachs ripped off Gaddafi? - June 4, 2011

Libya could be another name on the list of alleged victims of the U.S. giant investment bank Goldman Sachs. The bank is being investigated by the American Government for its part in the financial crisis. It's supposedly lost over a one billion dollar investment made by Tripoli three years ago.


There were also other reasons why the United States has waged the Western coalition's war on Libya and now in Syria, and Iran is next in the list....

Central Banks and the US Dollar

October 28, 2011

SouthAmerica: ...

4) PressTV - 'US-China oil conflict behind Libya war'

The US has waged the Western coalition's war on Libya in an attempt to evict China from the oil-rich areas of the North African country, a former US Treasury official says.

The crisis in Libya is mostly a "CIA operation and the US government is trying to get China out of Libya because China has extensive energy investments in Libya," former Assistant Secretary to US Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts told Press TV.

"The US is very disturbed by the recent reports from the International Monetary Fund that China will surpass the US as the number one economic power within 5 years," Roberts added.

"For the same reason Washington is focused on Syria, because in Syria the Russians have a very large naval base in which they intend to keep aircraft carriers and Washington does not want the Russians with their navy in the Mediterranean," Roberts argued.

The US' concerns about the crises in Libya and Syria have "nothing to do with humanitarian concerns. It has to do with evicting other world powers from the Mediterranean region," he concluded.


November 26, 2011

LIBYA Success Is A Libyan Puppet State, AFRICOM & Securing Africa's Resources From China & Bases


Pepe Escobar: NATO wanted Gaddafi dead all along – October 20, 2011


November 26, 2011

LIBYA Proxy War: China Heavily Invest In Africa, The Pentagon Responds Militarily AFRICOM


R2P--Imperial Conquest by Another Name- Responsibility to Protect – March 26, 2012

As the world recovers from one humanitarian peace bombing in Libya, and braces for another possible intervention in Syria, many are now asking how it is that the so-called liberal left have become cheerleaders for the very wars of aggression they once pretended to deride. As long-time investigate reporter Pepe Escobar explains, an obscure international doctrine called Responsibility To Protect or R2P has been the main tool for shaping this new paradigm for the continuation of NATO's imperial power grabs around the world.

Find out more about the history of this doctrine in this week's GRTV Feature Interview with our special guest Pepe Escobar.


Brazzil magazine -
Monday, August 1, 2011
“The Time Is Now for Brazil to Built a Strong Military! Just Hire Laid-off NASA Scientists”
By: Ricardo C. Amaral

...Brazilians need to open their eyes, mainly now after what has been happening in Libya, with NATO bombing the country to gain control of its natural resources, and also to pillage its gold reserves, and Libyan assets in banks in Europe and in the United States.

...Brazil needs to develop a new defense system to help protect itself from any attack from foreigners - not only to defend Brazil from similar military attacks like what happened in Serbia, in Iraq, and what is happening in Libya today, but also be prepared against a currency and economic war, as well as cyberwarfare.

...Brazilians need to keep in mind that in the 1980's Saddam Hussein was considered to be a close ally of the United States, and by the 1990's the U.S. was waging war against Iraq. The United States followed that event with another invasion of Iraq in 2003, and that war still going on today with no end in sight.

Today more than ever before a country has to be ready to defend its citizens from any type of warfare including 1) Economic war, 2) Currency war, 3) Military warfare on land or from space, 4) Chemical and Biological warfare, 5) Nuclear warfare, and finally 6) Cyberwarfare.

Brazil needs to develop very quickly the state-of-the-art defense capabilities in all these areas to be able to protect Brazil and its citizens from the above mentioned threats.

International relations can go sour very quickly for one reason or another; just look at the latest example of what is happening in Libya, when just six months ago government leaders of countries such as England, France, and Italy were all pals of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and they were kissing his ass to make investments of Libyan money on their countries.

And at the first opportunity they had, they decided to use NATO (the rogue international military organization which is controlled by the United States) to attack Libya to get rid of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and replace him with a puppet that would make it easier for these countries to pillage and control all of Libya's assets.

The invasion and infrastructure destruction of countries such as Iraq and now Libya serve as concrete evidence that justify why countries such as Iran have the right to develop its nuclear weapons capabilities to be able to defend their country against such military interventions.

Brazilians need to wake up and be aware of major red flags that signal trouble ahead. You need to be able to connect the dots to see the big picture.

Why is a country that is on the brink of bankruptcy and may not be able to pay its bills in the near future wasting so much money in Colombia? A country that has to borrow hundreds and hundreds of billions of US dollars from foreigner countries year after year for its economy to be able to stay afloat.

A country that is already fighting multiple wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, and uses its drones to bomb other countries in the Middle East, and a country that it is stretched to the limit. Why is such a country building seven military bases in Colombia? A situation that makes Colombia a country under foreign military occupation.

Because of the very poor economic and financial position of the United States today, it does not make any sense for the United States to be spending borrowed money from China to build seven military bases in an area that the United States is not involved in a war. Unless the United States is planning to turn South America into another Vietnam...


Brazil and Syria/Lebanon connection

February 1, 2012

SouthAmerica: It is time for Brazil to take side on this new crisis regarding Syria.

Brazil should back up Russia and China in an effort to stop the UN from using its rogue army (NATO) from destroying the entire infrastructure of Syria as they have done in Libya.

Brazil has a dog in this fight, since over 10 million people who live in Brazil are descendents from Syrian/Lebanese people.

There's a strong human connection between Brazil and Syria.


SouthAmerica: Quoting from my article published at Brazzil magazine:

“US and EU Are the Past. The Future is Brazil and BRIC” - May 9, 2005
By: Ricardo C. Amaral

“...The Summit has many objectives. The most important is a reciprocal re-discovery of two regions with historical affinities and a vast but yet unfulfilled potential in the field of bilateral relations.

Looking to the past, the contact points between the two worlds date back to the Arab presence in the Iberian Peninsula. Human ties between both regions have grown more intense over the past century through migration flows toward South America, which have made a valuable contribution to the social and cultural development of an important number of countries in the region. Today there are over 10 million people of Arab descent who live only in Brazil, not to mention the many South American migrants, particularly Brazilians, that have recently gone the opposite way in search of a new life in the Middle East.

Looking to the future, what we aim at is a partnership between two regions that face similar challenges in the struggle for development. The obvious diversity of their national situations, identities and levels of development does not prevent them from sharing common goals and interests. Countries from both regions share a common vision of peace and economic development with social justice, they base their actions on the respect for international law and multilateralism, they fight for an inclusive, tolerant, multipolar world more conducive to development.”


February 2, 2012

SouthAmerica: Reply to Ghost of Cutten

I just received an email from a reader saying that my posting about “Brazil and Syrian/Lebanese connection” had been published at the Russian newspaper “Pravda”.


The final collapse of the US dollar it is just around the corner

May 20, 2011

SouthAmerica: If you are capable of connecting the dots then there is more and more obvious evidence, and it is all over the place for you to see it that the United States government is reaching the panic state regarding the coming collapse of the US dollar.

It is just a matter of time for the herd to get spooked and start the final stampede out of the US dollar.


Brazil, Spain Challenge U.S. Bases in Colombia – August 2009

Insight: New US military bases in Columbia - CCTV 081609

South American leaders oppose US military base in Columbia - CCTV 082909

Noam Chomsky - What Right Does the US Have to Intervene? - September 17, 2009

Noam Chomsky - US 'War on Drugs' in Latin America – December 19, 2009

Fault Lines - U.S. Colombia Base Agreement

At the end of October 2009, the United States quietly signed a deal with Colombia -- its staunchest ally in Latin America, and the largest recipient of US military aid in the hemisphere. The agreement guarantees the United States access to Colombian military bases for the next ten years. The event went practically unnoticed in Washington. But it raised a storm of protest from South American governments threatened by the specter of US military intervention in the region. Fault Lines traveled to Colombia to investigate why US access to the bases is a cause for so much consternation.


It is no secret to anyone today (at least to people who use their brain to think) that the US dollar has finally reached the end of the line as the main world reserve currency.

It is no surprise that at the end of October 2009 the United States signed an agreement with the Colombian government that guarantees the United States access to seven Colombian military bases for the next ten years.

Since today the Amazon region is home to the largest untapped reserve of gold in the world.

For the people who aren't smart enough to connect the dots to get the picture.

In a Nutshell:

1) The world is waking up to the fact that the US economy and financial system is in intensive care (in a deep coma) and is being kept alive only by massive US government intervention, and the US is getting away with the debasement of its currency only because of the special status of the US dollar as the main world reserve currency.

But for all practical purposes the US dollar has finally reached the end of the road, and the collapse and meltdown of the US dollar can happen at any time.

It's no coincidence that the United States (a desperate country) has started to wage wars all over the place, such as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and so on...And the United States government is confiscating billions, and billions of all kinds of assets from all these Middle East countries.

The handwriting is on the wall: If you look around then you realize that it's just a matter of time for countries such as Saudi Arabia to have all its assets including the Saudi government, or any member of the Saudi Royal family to be confiscated in the name of some silly excuse but the real reason is to pillage their resources.

2) Do I need to spell out the reason why the United States is building 7 military bases in Colombia, and at the same time the US has reactivated the 4th fleet which main responsibility is related to the North of South America ? (The 4th fleet had been dis-activated since the end of WW II).


Brazil Gold Mining

...Currently, Brazil is the world's fourth largest producer of gold and the other countries of the region have begun to increase their investment in discovering and utilizing gold resources.

...the Amazon region is home to the largest untapped reserve of gold in the world.


“In Amazon Jungle, a Gold Rush Like None Before”
The New York Times – April 25, 1988


Iraq/Libya/Iran/North Korea and nuclear weapons

November 7, 2011

SouthAmerica: After "NATO" destroyed the entire infrastructure of Libya and killed over 100,000 people in Libya - that served as a warning for countries around the world for them to arm themselves with nuclear warheads.

Today the entire world understand why Iran, North Korea, Argentina, Brazil and many other countries around the world need nuclear weapons to protect its people.

Iran should get its nukes ASAP, and Iran should have a nuclear weapons test to show to the world that Iran has the nuclear weapons technology to build nukes.

As an independent sovereignty country Iran has the right to develop its nuclear weapons.

And it is no business of the United States or Israel for that matter if Iran is developing nuclear weapons to defend their country against rogue organizations such as "NATO" and other trigger happy nations.


November 7, 2011

SouthAmerica: Today as an independent sovereignty country; Iran has the right to develop its nuclear weapons.

And I am sure that if the members of the United Nations had the opportunity to vote "Yes" or "No" on that issue: regarding the fact of Iran being an independent sovereignty country and that Iran has the right to develop its nuclear weapons, then the result of the vote it would be as follows:

YES = 90 percent

No = 10 percent

Note: The countries of the world are not as naive and stupid as the US mainstream media think.

The countries around the world are aware that "NATO", Israel and the United States in general are becoming very fast completely irrelevant in terms of the new world order of the 21st century.

And if "NATO" decides to also go to South America - "NATO" will get its ass kicked.

By the way, Brazil had 2 French invasions on its history, and in both occasions the French got their ass kicked. And the Brazilians will be glad to kick the ass of Sarkozy and his pals - one more time.

Brazil is not Libya.....


February 15, 2012

SouthAmerica: Americans are not the smartest bunch that hang around our planet, all you need to do is look at the history of the United States.

Americans are a very violent people by nature, and we can see this violent behavior reflected all over the history of the United States; from slavery, to the genocide of the American native Indians, to their nasty civil war, to a history of never ending wars around the world, to the CIA program “extraordinary rendition”, which since 2001 has captured an estimated 3,000 people and transported them around the world for the purpose of undergoing torture and worse, and finally the ultimate and the extreme act of human violence such as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Americans always find excuses for their acts of violence, and they usually don't take responsibility for the damage that they do to other people.

American culture worship violence in every way; from its Indian and cowboy movies, to movies about war, any kind of war, about terrorism, and about the mafia and criminal gangs around the United States.

It seems to me that the US mainstream media has been in a coma for many years – they are brain dead and they don't have the capability to think, to reason and to use common sense anymore.

The US mainstream media has lost the ability to think for a long time now, and the only reaction we still can get from this brainless people, they serve as cheerleaders when the US is beating the drums of war such as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran – and when they try to destabilize and interfere with the internal affairs all kind of governments around the world. (Usually with disastrous results for all these countries.)

Americans embark on all these adventures around the world, and most of the time they have no clue about what they are doing and the consequences of their actions – just look around to the chaos in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Pakistan, Lebanon, and so on....Everything is spinning out of control a reflection of US clueless leadership and pure ignorance about what they are doing in US foreign policy.

The United States is about to embark in another catastrophic adventure this time in Iran with the compliments of Israel, but before the United States make this humongous mistake – Americans should check the Armageddon that the United States will create inside Iran and also would affect many countries in that area of the world with catastrophic results for everyone.

I hope US government officials will check this video of a program broadcasted on C-Span in August 9, 2006. This program is very enlightening, but I want to put the spotlight on the presentation of Royanian, Simin - Co-Founder, Women for Peace and Justice in Iran – her presentation starts at the minute 39 of this video. She explains the consequences of an attack from the United States and Israel is going to have in that entire area of the world.

An American/Israeli attack against the nuclear facilities in Iran, might translate into the last act of war for the United States and its military. And most likely would trigger the final collapse of the US economic and financial system and the demise of the United States just like the Soviet Union.

That might be the last nail on the coffin of the United States as a nation – the end of another superpower – and the demise of another empire.

It's not too late and the United States can stop and avoid this catastrophic military attack against Iran – common sense and reason still can prevail – before the United States self-destroy in Iran, and have a demise just like the Soviet Union at the speed of light.

Program broadcasted on C-Span Wednesday, August 9, 2006


The United States is planning to attack Iran with Nuclear Weapons

August 10, 2006

SouthAmerica: Today I watched on C-Span the broadcast of a forum on US Nuclear Policy.

The program brought me memories from 1983 when they did show a brief clip from the original ABC TV movie “The Day After” (1983).

...Here is the info about the C-Span program about US Nuclear policy.

Program broadcasted on C-Span Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 9:22 PM.

Forum: U.S. Nuclear Policy
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)

Kodama, Shotaro - Survivor

Yoshimura, Kazuhiro - Survivor

Boyd, MichelleLegislative - Director, Public Citizen, Critical Mass Energy Project

Royanian, Simin - Co-Founder, Women for Peace and Justice in Iran

Roth, NickolasDirector (Designated),
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Research and Advocacy

Moore, Carol - Member, Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee

Marking the 61st anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki, panelists talked about the consequences of U.S. nuclear weapons policy from Hiroshima to Iran. Among the issues they addressed were the safety and security of international nuclear stockpiles, the U.S. policy of preemptive attack, and on-going tensions over weapons development in countries such as Iran.

After their discussion the panelists responded to questions from members of the audience.

Shotaro Kodama was a survivor from Hiroshima and Kazuhiro Yoshimura was a survivor from Nagasaki who talked about their personal experiences. The presentation included a brief clip from the ABC TV movie “The Day After” (1983).


Copyright © by Ricardo C. Amaral. All rights reserved.

Ricardo C. Amaral - Author and economist
He can be reached at:

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